Proveyendo la calidad que usted espera de su farmacia.
Si no encuentra un servicio que necesita, por favor dejenos saber para poder ayudarle.
Durable Medical Equipment
Our pharmacy offers an extensive variety of medical equipment and supplies. If we don't have what you need just ask us about ordering for you.
- Walkers
- Wheelchairs
- Canes
- Ostomy Supplies
- Urinary Supplies
- Aids for Daily Living
- Blood Pressure Monitors
- Braces
- Bath Aids
- Urologicals
- Surgical Compression Socks
- Commodes
- Diabetic Care Products
- Incontinence Care Products
- Orthopedic Products
- Canes and Crutches
- Nebulizers
- TENS Units
If you need medical equipment or supplies or just have a question, ask a staff member today.
Envio de medicamentos

Si usted no puede viajar, ¡nosotros podemos manderle su medicamento a su puerta! ¡Simplemente seleccione su método de entrega, con su petición de recarga y ya! Se aplicarán las tarifas de envío regular.
Recursos del paciente

Nos esforzamos para satisfacer sus necesidades, tanto en la farmacia y por la red. Nuestra página de red es una gran herramienta de recursos para casi cualquier tema o medicamento. Vea nuestros videos y lea artículos diarios o utilice nuestra función de búsqueda en nuestra página de Recursos del paciente. Encontró un gran artículo? Comparta artículos y videos directamente a su cuenta de red social. También ofrecemos la posibilidad de comprobar las interacciones entre medicamentos e identificar pastillas.
We are a compounding pharmacy, which means we make custom medication tailored to your needs. For example:
- If you are allergic to an inactive ingredient, such as a preservative or dye, our pharmacist can make that medication without that ingredient.
- If your child cannot swallow pills, we can make a liquid option.
Talk to our pharmacist about using compounding to tailor your medication to your unique needs. Together with your doctor, we can find a treatment that works for you.
Recargas de medicamento

Acceda a las recetas de su familia donde quiera que esté. Ofrecemos 4 maneras convenientes para solicitar una recarga:
1. Denos una llamada con el número de receta que desea rellenar y nosotros le avisaremos cuando esté listo.
2. Crear una cuenta en nuestra página de red para su familia. Haga click en
Regístrarse hoy y comience el proceso de registro. Cuando usted haya creado una cuenta, usted será capaz de iniciar sesión, ver sus recetas activas y pedir recarga. ¡Así de fácil!
3. Sin registración, puede utilizar la opción de Recarga Rápida que se encuentra en nuestra página principal en la red para una recarga breve. T
4. Utilice nuestra aplicación móvil para recargar sus recetas donde sea.
When it comes to disease prevention, immunizations are key. Island Pharmacy is here to stop potential illnesses before they begin. We stock numerous vaccinations that can be administered in the pharmacy on a walk-in basis and billed to your insurance.
We also carry preventative travel medications that can be ordered by your provider.
More immunizations and treatments are available - email our immunization team at to learn more & see what we have to offer.
We administer vaccines Monday-Friday 10:00am-4:30pm subject to staff availability.
- Chickenpox (Varicella Zoster)
- COVID-19 - Fall 2024 Available Now
- Flu (Influenza) - Fall 2024 Available Now
- Hepatitis A & B
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Meningococcal (Meningitis A, B, C, W, Y)
- Pneumonia (Pneumococcal )
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- Shingles (Herpes Zoster )
- Typhoid
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
Medication Therapy Management
Medication therapy management, known as MTM, is a term used for an approach to helping you manage your medications and health conditions. This service is a good option for people who take multiple medications and/or have chronic conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure.
To determine if MTM is right for you, ask yourself these questions:
- Do you take several medications for several different health conditions?
- Is it difficult to manage your health and your medications?
- Are you having any side effects from your medications?
- Do you take medications that require close monitoring?
- Do you have any concerns about medication costs?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above, you may benefit from a comprehensive medication review or MTM services. Many health care plans, including some Medicare and Medicaid plans, cover the costs. Talk with our pharmacist about MTM today.
Pill Packaging
We all know how difficult it can be to keep track of what medication you need and when, especially if you take multiple medications, travel often or are always on the go. When you enroll in this service, our pharmacist places the pills you need for each dose into individual packets, organized by date and time.
Ask a staff member about our pill-packaging service and how you can get signed up.